Horoscope for March 13 2015
On first part of the day your mood will be changeable. Now you should avoid template decisions - demonstrate more creativeness and originality. Also you should be ready for sudden turnaround of events. For the afternoon don't plan participation in mass arrangements, also don't start new projects. The best ways to spend this time - just stay at home, in calm and quiet settings, read a book or watch a movie.

On 13th March Arieses are full of energy. Don't easy up and you'll be able to accomplish a lot of tasks. Problems, Arieses are supposed to solve today, have mostly psychological nature. For example, today you could suffer from lack of experience, unwilling to follow the discipline or inability to do good planning or lack of patience. If you met disastrous circumstances or somebody more powerful, probably you need to step back for a while.

On this day not all of Tauruses will meet external obstacles. Lot of them will feel some inner tension, which will be unfounded. Probably you'll feel some hidden worries and nervousnesses, connected to business abroad or court or sexual relations, contest for administrative authority or mental influence to somebody. You should avoid initiatives including joint ones: now you aren't able to find common language with people.

Don't hurry up to step into future. First of all, try to recognize not only positive but also negative points and sides of promised prospects. The most wise and experienced Gemini on this time will hold their positions and keep eye on pioneers in needed area of activity. If you'll act the same way, you'll learn a lot of by other men's mistakes.

13th of March will not be calm and peaceful day for Cancers. If you just are trying to wait till storm ends, your calmness will be disrupted by something. In this case you'll meet stressful situations, which will take place without reason. Cancers, who carries their duties honestly, should forget about emotions and concentrate on business side of their tasks. Because awaited result should be achieved during next couple hours or even several minutes.

Most of Lions today will have their natural harmonious competitive spirit, which helps to accept recent problems and watch into future with optimism. During the day conditions suitable for international contacts, broadening of the mind and preparation for a trip will be created. But direct beginning of an action should be delayed. Tensions in relations with representatives of others cities and countries are in the bound of possibility.

If Virgos want to relax, they should choose another day. This day also isn't suitable for surgery operations and dangerous initiatives. Situation around you is changing dynamically and is unpredictable. At any moment you could be called to carry your duty. Reasonableness and meticulousness, which are natural for Virgos, will not be very effective. Try to decrease analytics and criticism. Act efficiently and follow safety tips.

On 13th March vigor of Libra's partner could be changed to stubbornness, at the same time his extravagance and impatience will still the same. Depends on your relations, he/she will try to persuade you on his side or just to get you out of the way. Try to find compromise, if you'll have option - always choose action instead of passiveness. Don't get into psychological war against people around you - it will weaken your positions.

Don't neglect a safety tips today. This is especially important if you started with new business. Scorpio, who got into new team recently, should be more cautiously. Probably not everything is as good in this collective as it was shown to you. During the day you probably will feel some worries caused by behavior or physical state of your home pet. Don't make a service to people who ask for it too persistently.

Inspiration and excitement should be enforced by detailed knowledge of materials. Spend this day for firsthand acquaintance with your task (people, place). During the day Sagittarius should be ready not only for first victories but also for first disappointments. Way to success could be not as smooth as you wish. If you're in love, pay more attention to its sexual aspects.

On these difficult times Capricorn could become a hostage of his own feelings. Your response to situation around you could be very stormy. You could breathe thunder and lightning by inertia or by the same inertia fall into deep despair. Try to avoid as first as second. Do only the most necessary things. Overdrives will weaken your health.

This day is suitable for transitions and contacts. Friendliness not always will save sociable Aquarians from critic and distrust. Not all of your interlocutors will be polite. Some of them will try to use you for their own reasons or to discover your secrets. Situation around you will look oppressive or suspicious. During discussions you should choose words carefully - there is risk to abuse somebody. On the road there is possibility of unpleasant events: for example traffic jams.

This is the day for independent actions. In case of failure don't give up to temptation to feel sorry to yourself (what is natural for Pisces). Fate didn't make you shooting mark - you just start to act in wrong time. Solving of problems will be usual activity in this time. Use it to learn something useful for you.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for March 2015Horoscope for Yesterday March 12 2015
Horoscope for Tomorrow March 14 2015