Horoscope for September 18 2013
September 18th is a very confusing day. There are those in your family who need help and attention and friends who are trying to draw you away from your family. Spend time with someone you don't really like today. After sacrificing for others set time aside for you. Look toward energy drinks to help boost your lagan energy. You need help friends and listen to their woes. This can be so very exhausting, but very powering.

Aries take care of your mind and body and let others take care of themselves. Experience new social opportunities and let friends ebb and flow around you. Keep your wallet close to your pocket and don't open it up for anyone. Just close your eyes and dream a little today.

Taurus you may need to look at a new job in your company. This is good and if you move around you might just find a venue that is perfect for you. If you are unhappy in a relationship, get out. You do not do well when you are stressed, angry and unhappy.

Don't burn your bridges today Gemini. If you don't like a situation, don't be angry, throw things and make others uncomfortable. Don't be touchy feely with student and by all means don't argue with the administration. You will lose your job if you are not careful.

This is a great day to come to terms with your finances. Cancer, don't be irritated and combative just talk to your partner. Then try and be alone. Take care of the family needs that are staring you in the face. Spend money uselessly today and you will have a difficult time at the end of the month.

Leo, don't like the new place you moved to? You do need to lie in the bed that you have made. You cannot just pack up and leave. No one wants you back. You have been a thorn in the side of those who have tried to love you. Why are you so prickly?

Take a chance on a new position Virgo. Decisions you make on September 18th will follow you though the rest of the year. That is not so bad. Just ensure that you have all the information you need to make the best decisions for your family and yourself. Take care of finances today.

Libra if you are depressed today you need to find a sunny place. No amount of suffering in your soul is worth it. You may find that a good friend will talk you out of money; don't let them. Keep your possessions close to you today. You are a good person, realize that and move on.

Scorpio, be up for surprises today. A long lost love may come into your life, a new love may appear and your present love may want to make things deepen. What choices! You will make the best choices if you just sit and think about things for a bit. Take care not to hurt feelings unduly, however. This includes you own feelings.

If you are feeling scattered you might just have things that are causing your life to be chaotic. Write down your goals and dreams and determine what is making you anxious. Your work is good today and your home seems to be fine. Search you inner soul to discover what is bothering you Sagittarius.

Remind yourself that you are only one person and can only do so much at a time Capricorn. Make the best of the situation by dealing with the important problems first and move on to the less important assignments. Reflect on what you need to do, prioritize, and keep working to get projects and assignments finished. Just relax.

Aquarius you current relationship is important to you. You will find that there are not greener pastures on the other side of the fence. Stop your roving eye. You will just get into trouble. Take care of your money today and save what you have. You will need it for the future.

Pisces as your planets move around you are feeling foggy and your mind is chattering. Take care that you understand what is happening around you. Listen to your body and ensure that you are healthy and hydrated. Your inner psyche is talking to you and telling you solutions to problems. Listen.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for September 2013Horoscope for Yesterday September 17 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow September 19 2013