Horoscope for June 29 2013
June 29th is the next to the last day of June. How time flies and summer just flits quietly away. Go out and splash on the social scene today. Take off work and enjoy. Be charming, full of fun and find humor in all things that are heavy. Be happy and get your point across to others so they can be happy too. Do clear up any misunderstandings.

Things seem to be highly stressed at work today Aries and beginning to reach a point of no return. Try and keep yourself under control. You might want to take time out to talk to an ally at work. Listen to your supervisors and tell them about perceived problems.

Taurus, call friends and go out tonight. You need to have fun and release some pent up energy. Frolic with those you love. Just be a bit on the crazy side and don't talk about things that make you sad.

There are touchy situations in your home today Gemini. Watch out. You will find that difficulties in personal relationship will be resolved in the next couple of days. Keep the lines of communication open. You might be afraid to say anything to your relationship partner; again, this will soon be resolved.

Cancer you long to hear and speak the truth today. If you have a truthful conversation with someone you will know what is set up for you. Make sure you keep your assignments at work finished and keep in contact with those in your department. Work is particularly difficult today and it just might be the end for you.

Leo the difficulties you have had in personal relationships will start to clear up today. Keep the lines of communication open and be a couple. With a marriage there is no "me" it is "us". You need to find the "us" and make it so.

Virgo, take the day off today while the weather is awesome and go a very short trip. Recharge your batteries and find your balance. You will be very surprised at what you find within yourself if you understand who and what you are.

Review your dreams and goals today Libra. Talk to someone who will help you with finding those assignments that are fulfilling. Take the time to listen to your partner today; they do have great ideas for the future.

Scorpio, avoid fighting about money today. You will find that it is your problem and you need to clear it up. There is a death around the corner today. It may be a friend or a relative. Do not be sad; death is just another beginning.

Sagittarius, avoid a stressful situation with your relationship partner that will deeply hurt your partner as well as you. The stress that you have been feeling is coming to an end today. You can now be more supportive of yourself and your partner as well as those in your family. Have a group hug tonight.

Take care of yourself first today Capricorn. Although this may sound selfish it is actually very sharing. If you are well in both body and mind you can impart that to those who are in need. You have a needy family member and they will want to talk to you about their problems today. Listen and stay quiet.

Aquarius you are either going to lose a relationship today or it might just get better It all depends on how you handle a situation. Find the way to make things better and listen. Take inventory of how you feel and ask your partner if they are feeling okay. Empathy and sharing is empowering.

Pisces the moon is traveling through your house of romance today. You need to spend time with family and children. Do creative activities with children and let them help you in your hobby. Let your imagination go today Pisces. Just do what feels good.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for June 2013Horoscope for Yesterday June 28 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow June 30 2013