Horoscope for April 12 2013
April 12th finds new alliances forming and impressive new names will join you in social media networks. Watch for those connections that are more than just for fun and entertainment but who will help you in business matters as well.

Aries you find yourself spinning like a top today to keep up with all that you have to do. Do not sacrifice your sleep or eating habits to get things done. If you do you will find that you have no more energy.

Taurus old and new friends today accept your offer of asocial hour to just get together and learn about what needs to be done around the house and in the business. Take care that socialization is not one sided and that you invite your relationship partner in to discuss ideas.

If you throw a party tonight Gemini you may find that one of your guests misunderstood the invitation and came in formal clothing. That will be rather entertaining and you need to make sure that others do not laugh at your friend's expense. Too funny, however.

Cancer there is a birthday approaching that requires something very special. This young man feels sighted and left out and you are the one who can draw him in. Maybe a gift certificate or a book that talks about self-esteem. Stay away from the violent video game gifts.

You will have your eyes open to a fresh new world today Leo. Think and function with great efficiency and make sure you are buttoned up for school. If you travel today, be very careful since it will not be a fun trip.

Virgo a friendship requires your assistance to get rid of an annoyance. You will also find that you are very distracted by children and their delight in the warm and sunny day. Go out with children and play a game of catch. Be a kid again.

Libra you want to stay away from a dinner party tonight that features sushi and raw fish dishes. As for something a little more cooked. You will have a very bad stomach time if you eat any dishes at tis social hour tonight.

Scorpio today is a great day to make any changes you need to your investment portfolio. Seek professional guidance; there are offerings that will bring you a windfall if you listen.

Flow with the romantic actions that are taking place today Sagittarius and feel more. You may find that there is excitement and fun with a companion. Do open up and find that romance can be great.

Capricorn, encourage others to remain calm by holding your temper in check. Do not try and argue your way out of a traffic ticket today; just take it in stride, pay it, and forget it.

Aquarius you have been harboring hurt and hard feelings for quite some time. There were things said to you early in the year that were very cutting. You have been holding these hurts in your heart waiting for just the right opportunity to let "knives fly". Forget it. Be discrete and kind.

Pisces teamwork is the order of the day. You need to finish all tasks at hand that involve family, neighbors or just about anyone else. Be careful with your words and be a team player today.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for April 2013Horoscope for Yesterday April 11 2013
Horoscope for Tomorrow April 13 2013