Horoscope for July 7 2018
The energy of the universe is shifting as the Moon moves into gentle Taurus. Today is the perfect day to take it easy and focus on the practical, predictable side of life. Everyone will be feeling in tune with the comforts of home, and it's a great time to spend time with friends and family. The connection is key right now, and familiar places and faces are the name of the game. Discover what lies ahead for your sign, below!

Aries, you may feel unusually drawn toward material things today. The Moon is in your 2nd House of Possessions, and you are very focused on the acquisition of clothing or home goods. Don't be surprised if you find yourself on a shopping trip! Enjoy yourself, but make it a point to keep tabs on your spending. Impulsive swiping could lead to discontentment down the road.

You could feel as though you are lacking motivation today, Taurus. You just can't seem to get started on a certain project that is looming in your future. While these feelings are normal from time to time, try to ask yourself if there is an underlying reason for your avoidance. It could very well be the case that you aren't addressing some deep-seated feelings and beliefs.

Geminis may find that they need a break from the hustle and bustle today. You're usually one who loves the limelight; however, remember that even stars enjoy a cloudy night from time to time. Give yourself permission to lay low and focus on your own needs right now. A little rest and relaxation may be just the ticket to get you back on track!

Love is in the air today, Cancer! Venus has moved into your 2nd House of Possessions, and you may find yourself meeting someone special while focusing on personal or material matters. This could be someone with whom you share an instant connection, and the two of you may find that you have a lot in common. Enjoy this new relationship-it could just be the one you've been searching for!

Leo, today is a great day to focus on healthy habits. Whether it's cleaning up your eating or focusing on your exercise routine, you may find that you have fallen a bit off track. Never fear-it's nothing a little planning and resolve can't fix! Make it a point to stick to your new goals. You will likely find that you feel better than ever!

Virgos could find that they are feeling a bit offended today. Someone close to you-whether at work or at home- recently said something that rubbed you the wrong way. Keep in mind that we all say things we don't quite mean from time to time. It may be the case that you are reading too far into the situation. Give it some time before you act.

Today is a great day for a new beginning, Libra. The Moon is in your 8th House of Death and Regeneration, and you are in the mood to focus on bigger and better. It's time to say goodbye to the people and things that have been holding you back, and hello to your dreams for the future! If you start with a positive attitude, the possibilities are endless!

Scorpio, you may find that you are praised for a job well done today! This could very well be for a project you completed at work or at school. This is something you have poured all of your time and energy into, and the proof is in the results! Enjoy your hard-earned success, and be sure to give credit where credit is due. Remember, no one truly makes it alone!

You could find that you are feeling a bit lonely today, Sagittarius. It seems as though everyone close to you is engaged in other activities, leaving you to fend for yourself. Instead of wallowing, look at this as an opportunity for growth. If you cultivate a relationship with yourself you will never truly be alone! Get comfortable being a party of one, and you're sure to find a party no matter where you are!

Capricorn, hope is a wonderful thing. Just when you think you are down on your luck and nothing is going to change, there it is. That little glimmer of new beginnings. Life is a cycle of ups and downs, but one thing is for sure. There's always an up. So hold on and get ready for what's to come-it's sure to be better than you could have ever dreamed!

Aquarians could find themselves getting honest today. Perhaps you've been telling yourself some lies and half-truths about what it is you truly want. But the truth of the matter is, you will never be happy unless you are real with yourself. Stop trying to convince yourself that you want something when you don't. The sooner you align with your spirit, the happier you will be.

Some lessons in life are difficult, Pisces. You may have recently come through a hard time where a lot of your beliefs were shaken to the core. The good news is, you have risen from the ashes and you are wiser for the wear. Each trial gives us the opportunity to learn and grow. It's all part of the wonderful journey called life. It's sure to be a good one!
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for July 2018Horoscope for Yesterday July 6 2018
Horoscope for Tomorrow July 8 2018