Horoscope for February 23 2015
February 23rd, take time away from people you seem to know too well. They can be irritating and annoying if you don't take a break. Just go on a walk for a couple of hours. Things will have calmed down when you come back.

You are spinning around today trying to keep things in order. Feel your way to the target and finish the jobs you have been assigned. Things are not so bad if you take time to listen to advice and friendship Aries.

People will come at you all day long with business offers, love, advice and just about any other thing you can imagine. Listen to the more interesting pitches and pay close attention to loved ones today Taurus.

Give your love everything he or she wants, but do be practical. Really, all they want is a part of your time. They are not asking for the moon and stars Gemini.

Little things are not worth fighting over, Cancer. Keep your head on straight and don't get angry at those things you can't control. Listen carefully to little tips that your love is giving you.

Major health issues today Leo. It will help if you get along with your peers. Listen to their complaints and offer suggestions. It might help with your own difficulties.

Virgo, today romance and sharing thoughts and plans are in the cards. Talk with someone special to improve your personal life. Don't hold back when love is in the air.

Try making personal changes today Libra. You will meet with opposition, but you need to make changes to make you feel better. Counter negativity that comes your way. Do what you know is best for you.

Friends mean well today by offering a helping hand. Don't expect those who offer to help to be really serious about it, however. Sigh and take a mini trip for lunch. It will result in a new perspective Scorpio.

Do not make changes at home today Sagittarius. You will end up overspending and stepping on someone else's space. Handle your relationships with care today. Changes are difficult and someone will not like what you decide to do.

Capricorn, slow down today. Take a close look at everyone around you. Discover what they are doing. Try not to duplicate what they are working on. Unexpected financial gain happens today.

Competition is high today. You will be very emotional as you work through a project that can make or break your career. Counteract negativity that comes your way and look for good things. Speak your mind and get your ideas in front of the boss, Aquarius.

Pisces a chance to improve your earning potential comes by your desk today. Keep it to yourself but consider what it can do for your life. Try something new; it will be controversial but it will be awesome.
Horoscope for a Day
Horoscope for February 2015Horoscope for Yesterday February 22 2015
Horoscope for Tomorrow February 24 2015